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School marine tank project
Jul . 05 / 2023

Under Gabor Horvath expert guidance, eight enthusiastic students at a Welsh School have taken on the responsibility of setting up and maintaining a stunning marine tank, the TMC Next Wave 60 aquarium, right within their school premises. This initiative aims to educate students about marine life, promote environmental awareness, and foster a deep appreciation for aquatic ecosystems.

Over the past few weeks, these budding aquarists have made remarkable progress in their endeavour. Armed with curiosity and a thirst for knowledge, they have dived into the foundations of fishkeeping, meticulously documenting their journey in a captivating blog. Let's take a closer look at their accomplishments and weekly developments.

Students Blog

Week 1

It was the first meeting of the aquarium club. We were excited as we didn’t know what to expect. Mr Gabor Horvath – we call him Sir – talked about lots of interesting things that we need to know before setting up a fish tank. He told us why people shouldn’t keep goldfish in a bowl without good filtration. It was funny because he said that it’s the same as keeping us in a tiny room without windows and a toilet. Poor goldfish lives in its own waste – gross! We also learned about the importance of tiny bacteria which help to decompose the harmful ammonia and nitrite (our teacher said that we will learn about that later). That’s why you mustn’t put fish in a newly set up fish tank.

Please follow the development of this educational project weekly on our website with all the steps, progress and learning in the assembly of this Next Wave 60 aquarium. Stay tuned!