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BioLumen Lighting Range

“Multi-spectrum, low energy lighting for optimal results in aquaculture.  Patented NP technology offers a biologically optimised spectral profile”

BioLumen offers "lighting solutions tuned to nature", using light spectrum and photoperiod to deliver tangible improvements in welfare and production.

For the past 45 years, the name TMC has been synonymous with product innovation, quality and the highest level of customer service in the aquatics industry. The company’s move into LED lighting in 2008 was motivated by the knowledge that ambient lighting has a profound and beneficial effect on all livestock kept in captivity.

In 2014, TMC set up BioLumen Lighting Solutions (encompassing our commercial lighting sectors – AquaRay, AgriRay and GroRay), opening a new chapter in our long and proud tradition of excellence and innovation in animal husbandry.

From aquatics, public aquaria and aquaculture, through to agriculture and land-based food production, our lighting brands offer a diverse range of products that are not only cost-efficient, safe to use and easy to install and maintain, but which directly support the photic requirements of plants and animals.

News | Press

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