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The fascinating world of corals
juil . 10 / 2023

The journey began by testing the water parameters, a crucial step in ensuring a healthy environment for the newfound aquatic friends. With bated breath and eager anticipation, the students gently placed the first corals into the tank, watching as they gracefully settled into their new home...

Students Blog

Week 5

We tested the water and the pH was 8.3 and the specific gravity (it shows the amount of salt in the water) was 1.025. Sir said it was perfect so we added a few corals. One of them looked like tiny mushrooms living on a snail shell and the other one was bright green (this is called green Kenya tree). We also got a coral that looked like a brown lettuce and was very hard. Sir explained that it was a small polyp stony coral and there were thousand tiny little polyps living together there. We thought that corals were plants so it was great to learn that they are actually animals. He also brought some liquid coral food. It is our task from now on to add 5 drops of it every day to the tank.