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A new beginning
Ago . 16 / 2023

As the school break came to an end, a sense of determination filled the air as the aquarium returned to the school. However, the initial news that greeted the students was far from uplifting. Undeterred by the challenges that lay ahead, the students rallied together, demonstrating their unwavering resilience in the face of adversity.

Week 7 (after the holiday)

It was 4 weeks ago when we left for the holiday and now we have the tank back. When we checked the water the salt content was very very low (1.010) as the tank was filled up mainly with freshwater after the move. The sand was black at places and when we disturbed it we smelled rotten eggs. Sir explained that it was because of the build up of organic waste (from food and also the creatures dying due to the low salt content). It was interesting to learn that freshwater creatures could survive much longer in salty water than marine creatures in freshwater. The green Kenya tree disappeared and the other two corals looked dead, too. We decided to restart the tank. We cleaned the tank, washed the sand and the filter and replaced the water. It was like at the beginning, everyone was washing, measuring salt and working on the tank. Sir also poured something into the water. He said it contained lots of bacteria to help the tank recover.