Início / Biosystem / Filtration / Equipamento / Escumadores de proteínas / Commercial Saltwater / Rk2 Systems 150 Pe Protein Skimmer

RK2 Systems 150 PE Protein Skimmer

RK2 Systems 150 PE Protein Skimmer
  • Descrição
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Protein Fractionation filtration removes suspended particulates, dissolved organics, proteins and tints. At the same time, protein fractionation lowers bacteria and pathogen concentrations, while saturating the water with oxygen. Traditional water filtration systems, (i.e: pressurized sand filters, bead filters and cartridge filters), remove particulates but are ineffective against dissolved wastes and act as breeding grounds for bacteria and pathogens.

Water that is filtered through traditional filters is constantly sieved through the trapped wastes. Similar to that of a tea bag, this action leaches bacteria, dissolved organics and tints back into the water. The media in the filter functions as a bio-filter, promoting bacteria, which in turn strip out oxygen. Consequently, the discharge from these filters is generally enriched with bacteria and dissolved organics as well as having reduced oxygen concentration.

The fractionation filtration process is simple and highly effective. Air, (in some cases ozone as well), are injected into the bottom of the reaction chamber via an ozone resistant venturi injector. The water to be filtered is introduced at the top of the chamber and exits at the bottom. This creates a mass mixing effect, with the water traveling cross current to the air, which is essential for the effective formation of foam. The foam rises through the column and becomes more concentrated as it passes into the upper rise tube. The tube allows for the water to drain back into the tank via gravity, while the concentrated foam is ejected over the top of the riser tube and collected into a waste drain. The upper chamber is automatically washed down with rinse systems that keep the surfaces clean and prevent the foam from drying and inhibiting the ejection process.

• A estrutura dos RK2 Protein Skimmer têm um formato de peça única, moldado rotacionalmente, eliminando o potencial de vazamentos e falhas nas juntas e pontos de solda.

• A utilização do HDPE torna a sua estrutura robusta e o uso de ozono seguro. São também resistentes aos raios UV, tornando-os seguros para aplicações internas ou externas.

• Os sistemas automáticos de lavagem permitem uma programação simples dos ciclos de enxaguamento, reduzindo a manutenção e garantindo um ótimo desempenho.

• Portas de conexão de ozono separadas e medidores de vazão de ar, permitem um fluxo de ar controlado com precisão e injeção de ozono.

• Tampa superior de rosca moldada em HDPE para fácil acesso.

• Medidor de visão transparente de forma a permitir que possa monitorizar os níveis de execução do skimmer.

• Disponível para aplicações de água salgada e água doce.

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